
My Professional Background

I’m a Canadian, eh! who retired from the Canadian Armed Forces as an aircraft maintenance superintendent at the rank of Master Warrant Officer. I completed 26+ in the regular force, experiencing multiple postings, exercises, and domestic and international deployments.

I’ve since joined the RCAF Reserves, humbled to be the Squadron Warrant Officer with 412 (T) Sqn, located in Canada’s national capital city, Ottawa, Ontario.

I also work as a contract manager at a Canadian contracting company called Calian Group Inc., providing contract management services to contractors and clients.

I hold a Master of Arts in Leadership degree from Royal Roads University where I found my passion to help emerging leaders create strong foundations as they embark on their leadership journey.

Just another day at the office….. Can you see the vomit bag?

Me and my custom painted 1500 Kawasaki Vulcan Nomad Classic

Me and my custom painted 1500 Kawasaki Vulcan Nomad Classic


About Me Personally

I’m a father and husband who lives in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. My daughter is in university and she wants to become a veterinarian. Her intense dedication and passion for wanting to help animals is fuelling her, and she is on her way to achieving that goal.

My wife is a Senior Non-Commissioned Member in the Royal Canadian Air Force and has split her time between being a reservist and regular force member, and putting up with my non-stop ideas.

My passions include being a private pilot, runner, building custom poker tables, and riding my motorcycle.

I also enjoy speaking to anyone that will listen about the benefits of education (formal and informal) for leaders at all levels.